Volume 6 No. 3(June-2017)

Impact Of External Public Debt On Economic Growth A Study With Reference To Ethiopia Using Granger Causality
   By Dagnachew Admasu Ayele, Professor Shripathi Kalluraya. P (PhD)
The Role of NGO’s in Community Development - A Study with Special Reference to Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu
   By Dichamang Hilary Daimei
Statistical Techniques For Measuring Road Roughness
   By Juhi Lohani
Environment Reporting of Leading Newspapers of West Bengal: A Content Analysis
   By Moon Jana
PSOGSA Tuned Exergy Increase in PVT Module
   By Jaswinder, Ankush
Ground Water Sustainability In Dindigul District – A Micro Level Study
   By Andrew Lalhmingmawia
Small Investors Investing Behavior in the Stock Market: An Empirical Study of sources of Information and Stocks’ Selection Criteria
   By Dr. Ramesh Kumar
Research paper on Internet of things
   By Ms. Monika, Mr. Rahul Sharma(Research Scholar)
Issues and Challenges Before Indian Government To Tackle Black Money In The Economy
   By Chetan Ahuja
India- Pakistan Relations after the Surgical Strike by India
   By Ms. Mamta Jangir
Library Co-Operation
   By Dr. Satyandra Kumar Sharma, Subhash Gautam
The Changing Landscape of Supply Chain Management in India: An Analytical Study of Implications for Competitiveness
   By Dr. Anand Muley
Metric Tensor and its Complete Lift to the Complex Cotangent Bundle
   By Dr.B.P.Yadav